Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I was have my usual slow morning, an I was thinking about many of the addictive type things I've done in the past and was wanting to know if others have had similiar experiences. For instance, a decided to take the armorsmith role and was asked to aquire about 250 bars of mithril for the Mithril Order. It turned out that the best place I could think of was the Alterec Mountains which is always crowded. So I would frequently get up in the around 2am or 4am to go on mining runs. I also used this same method to acquire money for my mount. I'm not sure how I had the time to do instances, as my wife hates this games but I believe she thinks it takes away from our lives. Which in a normal work week, I doubt it but what can a man do. I have no brain of my own at this point. So what was your most addictive type habit?

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