Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Recent Events.

Nothing truly new in the World of Warcraft. Morpheuz happen to pick up his last key frag to get keyed for Kara. I'm still disappointed in the fact I am unable to get started on the Netherwing Faction Quest as my riding skill is at 225 and I think the requirement is 300. I picked up a pretty decent helm from Shattered Hall that looks like the one from the old Wrath set. Other than that, I got his fishing up to level 210 while I was waiting to see if I would get a group together for Old Hillsbrad. It didn't happen that particular day.

Niobey got an opportunity to leave Ironforge and venture to a couple of different places. I will probable cross a couple of days but oh well. I decided to make it east on her and group with a few that wanted to do the SM library. It turns out that someone logged and we ended up doing this with 4 men. This instance wasn't two bad as I have quite a bit of rested xp. When we got to the final boss. We were able to dps this guy down from the door and allow the tank and pet to womp on him from melee range. This was cool. I don't think we had a dedicated healer and I used vamparic embrace the majority of the run. I took a closer look at this tree to see that I can put additional points into improved Vampiric embrace for an additional 5% healing per point. This talent is extremely useful for grouping but I'm Not sure if I was to put additional point into that talent at the moment.

I also took notice that while solong I can no longer do my usual set of spell before wanding the mob down. I wil probable try to get the hang of this sometime later today. I am starting to get back into this toon. Before logging out yesterday, I noticed I was at Lvl42 and hadn't updated my skills in a while. I hearthed to Ironforge and trained to receive a new shadowword:pain and shield. There were also improvements to other skills I don't use that frequents (shards?). I will venture back to STV to wrap up a few quest and one to ZF to see if anyone would let me group with them and see what a shadow priest can do in a higher level instance.

That's all I know for now until more comes around.

Friday, June 1, 2007

One good thing happened on Thursday as Morpheuz traveled into the Steamvaults and picked up his second key frag. I had to leave the group as my wife was coming home and if you haven't heard she hates this game. I was told that this instance should really only take an hour but we were already 1.25 hours in and we just downed the first boss. The wife has a plan to attend a retirement party tonight and I have about 50g to make up to get my flying mount to attempt Alcatraz. I will have to take a look at my quest log tonight and determine where the best spot may be to wrap up on a few quests. My quest log is pretty full but I think that is due to the dungeon related quests I haven't completed. I may go back to Oldhillsbrad to finish that piece up for my alcatraz key.
I am also considering just farming mats to get my blacksmith skill up to make the felsteel helm. I've been holding this plan for awhile so it would be cool to finally be able to make one.
I am a little disappointed if it hold true that I will have to have a level 300 riding skill for the netherdrake flying mount quest. Oh well. I quess I will have to wait and see on this.

Not much here neither, I worked a little over half an hour to get her tailoring up to lvl 235. I didn't pay this much attention but I picked up some extra gear from the blackmagewave set. I am suffering a bit of altism lately as I find things I like about the many classes I am rolling now. I will probable use Morpheuz to farm the mageweave cloth due to its high AH cost.
I will attempt to but a portal to shatt to get the master jewelcrafting skill and find a few emeralds to help. Morpheuz will probably have to take on this task as well. I belive the emerald are farmed from Thorium and the aggro radius is smaller for him. I will probable pick up a lot of worthless Timbermaw reb with this grind.
His herbalism skill is pretty low. I may have to return the guy to darkshore. Why darkshore. I enjoy the dings and they took to long when I was in Redridge mountain.
well, That's the plan for the weekend. Hopefully, I can get a great deal of it knocked out tonight. I noticed that my interest is decreasing each day as I hit more of my smaller goals. I have quite a few keys on my belt for when the time arrived for me to venture into these areas.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I was have my usual slow morning, an I was thinking about many of the addictive type things I've done in the past and was wanting to know if others have had similiar experiences. For instance, a decided to take the armorsmith role and was asked to aquire about 250 bars of mithril for the Mithril Order. It turned out that the best place I could think of was the Alterec Mountains which is always crowded. So I would frequently get up in the around 2am or 4am to go on mining runs. I also used this same method to acquire money for my mount. I'm not sure how I had the time to do instances, as my wife hates this games but I believe she thinks it takes away from our lives. Which in a normal work week, I doubt it but what can a man do. I have no brain of my own at this point. So what was your most addictive type habit?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend News

I recently packed up the car and drove 700 miles to visit my family. My own family didn't attend due to budget restrictions. We thought it would be a lot easier to travel with one/two people as oppose to 5. I consider my wife to be a medium matenance kind of girl so she requires a little bit more of myself. I also took my second computer that my son uses to play his hunter on. He has grown tired of the game which could be due to the pressure I put on him to be more active during instances. I felt slightly bad as relatives were talking to me while I was trying to get my PC hooked up and tweaks as I noticed the frame rate was a bit low. I finally got it to look smooth and had a little fun.

Morpheuz news:
Most of Morpheuz fun was done Friday night as he entered Shadowlabs for the first time. I found myself in another PUG group as it appears many of my guild mates have moved on. I may have to do the same but I feel so quilty knowing the torch has been passed on to me and it's a gift I would gladly give back. This calls for someone who wants to be a leader in all aspects of the word. I primarily would like to lead a group into battle and try to be the best tank I can be. Since the latest patch, this instance has become slightly better. everything is fairly easy but call on the group to be on their game. We cleared all chambers to get the extra rep reward. The first boss when down fairly easy as everyone appeared to be used to this fight. The second chamber has gotten better to the degree that now the mobs are more manageable. As long as everyone picked up there marks, we did well. We had trouble on the outer pulls. And a Palli went along for the ride but knew we would get smashed with every pull but it didnt happen. Once we cleared and engaged the second boss, everyone noticed that we where wailing on the guy for a while when we noticed his health did not move. After a lengthy fight, one man went down and we happened to down this guy after a little bit of work. The pally had to log and we found another person to replace this guy. I think the hunter left also. We replaced both and continued. The 3rd boss was new to me as most of the PUG groups I've been in quit at this point but it was an extremely easy fight. I haven't done the fight before but I mostly tried to avoid the Voidwalker as I assumed they were regular adds. Turns out everyone else was not on top of this and took to much damage. We died. We ran back. I moved this guy around and everyone else knew the plan. It was an easy deal once that was done.

The final boss was Murmur which is a huge air elemental. The leader attempted to informed the group of the fight that was about to take place. From my point of view, which was like looking at the base of a tornado, I was unable to escape the circle in time to avoid the blast as I heard this was all a timing issue. I wanted to get this boss down to get my first key fragment. We corpse ran it back and inside and we started the fight again. Same thing happens. At this point a few members decided to drop out and it was now maybe 3:oo am. I thought that I could go to the web and find a strategy guide to get this guy down. If tanks weren't dum enough, I had to be the dummiest. Anyway, I found out that the container was on the left hand side of the wall. I hugged the wall and came upon the container. What I didnt know was a fight was waiting for me and I was alone. I crotched down and out come a ghostly looking mob. I started to go to work on him, turns out one of the other guys noticed I was in a fight and came to my aid. He dropped a few heals and we finally got the first key frag. I was elated. I decided to end the fight because I had to go somewhere.

I'm actually getting a little bit more use to SaintNic now. He is up to a cool 23. I took the time out to go to Deadmines. Turned out to be pretty good due to the level 26 pally the group was rolling with. Everything went fairly smooth until we engaged Van Cleef. He turned out to be a good fight. There were 2 guys left standing after all was said and done. We rez and went to turn in out conquest. I then went to Stockade to see how I would do with that. I was pretty low on the damage meters from DM and wanted to give it another try by using the arcane missiles more. Didnt know how it would hold up being I was an ice mage.

I pulled out Niobey as I have been working to get her Tailoring skills up. I spent more money than I would like to at this point. Somewhere I read you can get to Lvl300 with 35g. With mageweave going for 1.7 to 2g a stack. I doubt it. But I will do it anyway. The altism has caused me to want to create my own bags. I wasted quite a bit of time going to Theramore before I was ready. Which sucked. I hearth back to IF. I then took the time to roll to SM library to pick up the hypnotic knife that drops from the last boss. We only wiped once and that was mostly due to me not knowing my priest UI. Its been at least 6 months since she has been out and about. I also learn that I get an entirely new set of "keys" when I switched to shadowform. I hadnt set the spells up and the slate was clean. We let a pet tank the last boss and we all fought from a distance. The warrior rushed in after the pet had aggro to assist. It was on of the easiest fights for this level. I was at level 40 and the expience was cool as I received about 200 exp per kill. Seemed decent anyway. The warrior was our lowest at 28.

Just traveled to homeland to obtain new jewelcrafting reciped. Which are a bit better than what I had. The recipes he had required diamongs to skill up. At 15g each and the lack of farming them on my own, I thought I should wait that one out. Picked up 2 new reciped that required large emerald. Im sure these will go alot cheaper but need to make this toon work for himself and not depend on gold from my main.

The weekend was busier than I thought. I will be attempting to find out more info on old hillsbrad and work on talking my wife into an instance night for myself. She currently requires that I go to be when she does or she couldn't sleep.

Upcoming goals for the week:
1.) Start Netherwing questline
2.) Complete quests in Shadowmoon Valley - Nice blue rewards
3.) Purchase riding skill for flying mount. I have already purchased the mount itself.
4.) Find questline to go to Old Hillsbrad and eventually Black Morass.
5.) Get skill level up in blacksmithing for some new pieces. (Felsteel helm, collecting dust in my bag).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's happening now.

Hey everyone and anyone. I just wanted to drop a quick note to keep a note of where I am Warcraft wise.

Over the weekend, my wife has a couple of nights out with the girls and it turn out to be some decent gaming nights but nothing big from either night. I took the time out to complete a few quests that provided keys. One was the key to Alcatraz and the other was to a level 70 dungeon near Honor Hold. Its been so long that I forgot the main name of this place. The Alcatraz quest line was pretty long in my opinion but not to bad of a journey. The other thing I didn’t mind was the fact that I received over 100g after the night was done. I am 200g away from getting my riding skill for a flying mount. I have already purchased the mount and it sits in my bad for the time being. My bad are also pretty stuffed as I am afraid to sell stuff for fear that I may one day need it.

Somewhere along the way, I picked up blacksmithing plans for a felsteel helm. Which is listed as a good tanking helm for one of the guides I come across. Woot.

I plan to get started on the Netherwing quest line to get the rep started on that and to get a gauge for the amount of effort it will take to get the rep going on that.

On Saturday night, I took a trip to the section of Hellfire for which I was trying to obtain a key. Things we extremely well considering the number of 5 man mobs in this group. I recall a mage, warlock, palli maybe, shaman, and me. The other 4 were in the same guild and I was their puppet. I don’t think I won a roll and the boss drops sucked for me. I didn’t get a chance to finish as my wife hates this game.

SaintNic (Mage)
I managed to get this guy up to level 21. I like the low level just for the sake of dinging and learning new spells. I obtained blink which I love now just for being able to avoid damage. I also moved this guy from Redridge Mountain to Ashenvale. I know the quests very well on that side and since I also gain teleportation. I can easily go back to IF to obtain new skills. I also decided to become an ice mage in order to use the snare effects. I find it pretty cool and will try to get to 30 sometime during the week.

Not sure if I introduced this guy but he just dinged 18 this morning. He is a hunter I created sometime this week who is a nightelf as well. I’m not to interested in the other content of the game due to the amount of time required. I can easily level up with what I know. Things are going pretty well and I swear the hunter class is the easiest to level up. I have put most of my points in aspect of the hawk and improve “Bullseye”.

Nothing new. Still sitting in IF.
Morpheusalt (Shaman)
Still sitting in Tanaris. I should try to level this guy because the jewelcrafting will come in handy. I need to find a guide for that to determine how this things will help my other characters.

I was also promoted in my guild –Trinity. While I am happy with the promotion per se I noted thrilled as I was given the title with the hope of recruiting new members. I have never been big on this because it will primarily call for me to advertise or seek out members. The quild channel is dead. I saw maybe 1-3 people on at a given time.

RL, my wife is out of school for the time being and it is cutting into my WoW time. The kids and lack of evening activities, just leaves me with conversation about what we are not doing, finances, and the lack of. GREAT STUFF! ;-(

We’ll that it for now.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Weekend Fun.

Not much here. Tried a few quests in Redridge that require that I gather pieces of meat for a food recipe reward. Combine that with dragonwelp scales. Questing in the area was difficult as I had to get off the first shot before the dragon in order to win the fight. Turning and running was impossible. Some success as my mage moved up one level to 19.

As stated in a previous writeup, Morpheuz dinged 70 in shadowmoon valley. I picked up two quest from a tower in the center of the map that required me to take on a few orges in search of a couple of items. This was the start of a semi long line of quest that ended with me driving a fel reaver to destroy elementals. It was pretty cool. I had the assistance of a level 70 hunter. We tagged teamed in order to get it done. I died quite a few times as it took me a minute to warm up.

I'm at a place now that I'm not sure what I want to do next. I would like to be the best geared warrior around but my time is limited and that sucks. As I get ready to resume my old tanking duties. I am considering the whole respecc thing at the moment. I need to be able to get rid of the bad guys fairly easy to continue to quest and grind my way to 400 more gold for a flying mount. I will also farm the crusader recipe in the morning as this still goes for about 80g on the AH. Should take about 45 minutes for one to drop.

So as I type this I have come up with the following goals for the week.
1.) Farm crusader enchant for gold.
2.) Get Scryer rep up. Not sure if the other faction is better for tanks with the mixed info I have received.
3.) Find where Felsteel patterns are located.
4.) Get blacksmithing skills up to 375. (currently at 345)

Thanks for reading.

Warriors and Blacksmithing

I am always curious as to why a lot of professions prefere that you take a craft bases on you class. I'm beginning to hate the fact that a lot of information steers a warrior toward blacksmithing. Maybe it just me but I like to do things with very little interaction from other players. Not that I don't like groups, its just soliciting services that I dislike.

I dinged 70 yesterday and was extremely excited and deflated by my new accomplishment. What would be cool if their is a quest that require you to return to your home city and applauded by all the residents. The Dranai have a quest that ends this way but not related to any level.

With 400g, I am here and there about respeccing my warrior protection to prepare for the dungeon runs to come. I ran shadow labs this weekend at level 69. The first boss feared me out of the dungeon into an area that looked like sky and I died immediately. The group thought it was funny. No one ever knew such a thing could happen.. We proceeded to a room where their looked to be a sermon happening. /hunchshoulders. We all died on the first pull and I was blamed. I can't say I blamed them due to my tunnel vision during this time. A druid was our healer and I completely ignored the fact he was being attached until he was near death. I also forgot I still had on googles from Shadowmoon and the fact I had a healstone that went unused. I have not run a dungeon in a while so I was a bit rusty and nervous.

Back to the issue, enchanting or alchemy seems to be a better choice for a warrior. Why isnt this done more often. Blacksmithing used to be a big investment of time with the mithril order quests and thorium related quests from Gatzen. Honestly, they both require a large amount of ore which is best farmed in area you are two low to far. And we all know that crafted items sell for less than the materials to make them

With the BC expansion, I realize there is better items out there. I have constructed a new chestplate but did not socket any gems. The expansion armor is yet to be determined. I will continue to level this up and hopefully craft some decent items in the meantime.

Of the 2-4 readers I have..............What are your thoughts on this issue?

Friday, May 4, 2007

Scholo, Strath, UBRS, LBRS, BRD and BC

It is truly amazing how the expansion has change the warcraft world as we know it. In November of 2006, I lost my job (short story:accepted offer, quit job, offer withdrawn) and found myself playing warcraft half the day and looking for another job the other half. Most of my guild wsa able to put together decent 5-10 dungeon runs. This was cool for a minute but here is what is familiar. What happen to the days where you had to run UBRS 30 times for Drakk to drop the piece you were waiting on. I ran all of these dungeons to complete my set. I also attempt the 45 min Baron run. I found a druid that was up for the task. But being the only two who wanted or needed to do it makes this task impossible.

So what are the skellies doing now? I see no reason to go to these dungeons now that the expansion has arrived. Argent Dawn Rep? Why? What would be nice if these dungeons could be lowered by 2-3 levels to give you a decent dungeon in the 50+ range. BRD still is doable if you want to get attuned for Molten core and Onyx.

That's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

In real life news, today is my daughter's birthday. She is a brand new 15 year old looking for a license to drive. Gotta hate that. As I know she want to drive my car for practice. Not sure if I advice it but what can I do. It's a part of life I guess.

Morpheuz completed to quests in Shadowmoon yesterday. Nothing bit. One involved spleens from the "lizards" roaming there. Bad thing on this is I started searching for spleens by killing the boars.

The next quest required me to travel to the burning legion camp and disguise myself as a box and overhear a conversation. It kind of funny as one of the legion characters says to his commander "What's up with the box?". I just thought it was cool that somehow I was included in the dialogue.

I awoke this Tuesday Morning with every intent on farming for thorium(for my 52 shaman) and the crusader enchant(for the gold). It appears that there are a few others out there who have the same idea as I do but the price continues to go down as more people get involved. Naturally. The recipe will easily sell for 80-90g. Pre BC, it would go for 120-150g.

Over the weekend, I got plenty of time in on Saintnic. I plan to go deep in the frost tree as I love the snare this guy has. The thing I hate most is getting use to the amount of hits this guy can take. I did countless times. I purchased a few green and use the extra I had on my priest to provide a few enchants to toughen him up and increase his intell. I'm a stud at this point. I would say I'm ready for van cleef but the LFG folks mostly want 19s. I will prob wait till 20 but will call for a little research to make sure I come in at the right level to take advantage of the blues.

I am pretty new to the human race and questing takes a little longer due to the new zones. I'm thinking of running to the other side(night elf side) to hurry things along.

I got a little off track about my intentions this morning, I happen to take a detour to head toward Kara to start the chain for my key. The mob there is undead and level 70. Not to bad. So I will finish the 2 pre-requisite quests there and hopefully complete as much as I can tonight using the XP toward reaching 70. Morpheuz is currently rested through this level so double XP on all kills. No need to log out in an inn anymore. I died at Kara a few time so I thought I would just spend the rest of the day there.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Off Topic -Things that bug me

I notice quite a few things get under my skin and just felt the need to list them

1.) Guys who fart at the uninal. For some odd reason I fell I need to be warmed up first. Say hello first.
2.) People who do there regular shopping in the self check out lanes.
3.) Slow readers in the self check out lane.
4.) Those who like to back into parking spot. Seem like this takes longer than backing out basically because you have to judge the distance to the car around you.
5.) Cell phones to an extent. Maybe I'm too often in a hurry but a lot of cell phone users get in my way. Can you at least drive the speed limit? And what's up with the 10 car gap.
6.) The warrior statements I hate - "Why use a shield, I can dps with this huge 2 hander.", "Sunder Armor? You talking to me? That doesn't do any damge!", "Demo Shout, Sunder? I haven't trained in that yet."

Nothing new

I work early to get a little time in on Morpheus and to make sure the things in my mailbox was not in danger of expiring. I only have 3 quests for Terokkar Forest at this time. I actually read on which require me to put an banner through a group of Orges who hang out in the south eastern part of the map. Everything we fine as they are two levels below me. Mowed down approximately 5 of these guys before I noticed I did not have any food. No cheese or ribs. Not a big deal but required me to use the regular bandages I had on hand.

A stroke of luck happen when I noticed on the crates were clickable. This will satisfy one other quest I have in my logs. I completed them both and headed back to the end, I still haven't seen the end of my rested indicator. It would be cool if this took me into 70. I also noticed I had 200g in my bag from questing. Cool.

Plan for tonight:
1.) For crusader enchant for gold
2.) Farm thorium to assist shaman with leveling jewelcrafting
3.) Decide which zone to head to next. Blade's Edge is pretty close to my current level but I tend to lean toward quest that are at least a level above. Not sure if it's worth my time.
4.) I have a lot of green quests from old zone. Not sure where I want to go with these.
5.) Turn is all rep related items.

These should be fairly simply decisions. Should all be taken care of in a short matter of time.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Morph moves to Blade's Edge

As the title says Morpheus made his way to Blade's Edge last night. It wasn't much of a move. In the earlier runs in Zangamarsh I happen to get curious and explore on of the heading in that direction. Something went wrong with the spiders in the cave and I died. Reappearing in a village in Blade's edge. I use the "angel" to bring me back to life and pickup the flight plan. I went back to Zangamarsh and my first return was last night. The place isn't great on the eyes campared to the forest I just left. I'm trying to decide if I want to returnTerokkar Forest. I have quite a few quests remaining in that zone but they are all green now. What I'm afraid of is getting to a point were I'm suppose to making gold and I'm still gaining experience. I want to gain as much gold toward a flying mount I can.

I've been thinking of my adventures lately. I tend to just load my quest log up got to Allakhazam and determine the best route possible to get them done. Assuming if I stay on the same level, turn them in, the experience reward will be the same.

My adventures last night mostly consisted on finding and completing the quest line that ends with killing the hound master. Which I heard has a really nice quest reward. Didn't quite know where to start as a mob outside on the town drops the quest. You would think the quest line would get harder the further it I went into it. The hardest part was summoning this chick who hits extremely hard. I had a little assistance from a hunter in the area and turns out he was slightly behind me in the quest line. She smack the life out of me at least twice before we got er down. WoW life is good at this point. We return to town to turn in the request and had one of the locals straighten out all the dent I received.

The second little mini boss was no problem. There is a group of three blade carrying demons that chase you to know end so be warned that you can outrun them but there like Jason from Friday the 13th. They eventuallu caught up to you.

Prior to heading to the quest master, a druid gives you a swig to summon some of his tree buddies. This made the task extremely easy in defeating the hound master. We raced back to only get beat down again by the roaming mob. Well, I received most of the beating as it was 7 against 3(pet included). I died. He finished of the last two. We turned it in and it was 12:30 am for me. Since I had to be up at 5:30 for work, I thought it was a good time to hit the hay.

I finished the night with about 600k experience. I believe the goal is 753 for this level. Hoping to ding tonight but can't make up my mind if I would like to instance for blues. Guess I will plan that out later in the day.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Recent Event

Morpheus made a little bit more progress to 69 yesterday as the experience bar show approximately 420k of 756k. My evening was mostly spent trying to get a few group guest ou t of my log witch were the ending to a number of mastery quests located in the northeastern corner of Nagrand. The earlier versions send you on kill quests to kill 30 of everything. By everything, I mean there a quest for birds, bulls, and bucks. I need to take better notes. Any notes would help. I completed 4 of these quests in less than 2 hours. Could have been less. All with the help of a lvl 69 hunter. I also had the opportunity to complete the Corki quest line which resulted in a nice blue ring which gave me slightly better stats than the green one that preciously occupied the slot.

Having a bit of trouble with the Titan Mod. I am unable to use sharpening stone or runes at the moment. The error message refers to Stance portion of the mod. Oh well. It's not causing me any issues but would love to see what these two things add to my stats.

On the Morpheusalt front, things have come to a standstill to some degree. My jewelcrafting is stuck at 239 and the mats for that one point is ridiculous. So I will have to wait it out. No true objective with this toon at the moment. I did spend a little time grinding but I think I will go back to questing when I'm up for it. I made my way to Un'Goro to pick up the flightplan along with my new mentee Rorax. I found out he was new and took it upon myself to show him the ropes and let him know how to get the good gear. I think my first dungeon was BFD which is a little late in my opinion to find that out. Westfalls, huh....never heard of the place.

The thing that eludes me the most are the quest line that lead you into the dungeons. And later on the questline that attune you for MC. I don't think I really had the time to do the different quests that took me there.

Niobey, 41 priest, is hanging out in IF selling the stuff I send her. I like the whole shadow priest thing. I just don't have the time to manage all the alts.

That's the update of the day. I will try to find out more on putting pictures and actual quests with rewards into my blog to make things more attractive to me and other who may make a wrong turn and stumble upon this blog on the information highway.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Whats New...

Last week was pretty blah due to my wife being home from school/work due to our germ carrying rug rats. She's not a big fan of gaming as it has always been a part of me.

Moving on....

I got some decent time in on Friday as my wife went to a hair appointment. I find my quest log to be full as I just grab every ! in sight without even reading it. This will allow me to get a occasional kill in while running around that suddenly alerts me that its part of a quest. I can stop, performed the kills and continue to where I was heading. My warrior is currently hanging out in ?????. (I forgot the name but seems to be a pretty nice green wooded area. Open fields. There are quite a few elites here with related group quests that make it irrating. Combine that with the kill quests and I can pull my teeth out. Morpheus dinged 68 this week and it deflated me to some degree watching the experience bar reset. What I do like to some degree is the commanding shout warriors pick up at this level. It give a warrior a 2 minute health boost which is nice but can't be used with battle shout. Hard to determine which is best. More power to hit resulting in faster kills, or lasting power possible prolonging the fight. Only time will tell here, I will try to complete more group quests this evening. I have quite a few across two zones. Need to make a choice to complete or dump. My blacksmithing skill has also taken a back seat lately. The ore can be picked up pretty fast but there is no easy place to get to that I can mine over and over. There is always a fight. I just want the ore.

My goal for the week is to concentrate on questing to get to 69. I have a trick related to a enchant recipe that sells for or use to sell for 120g. I've been undercutting everyone and selling for 90. Occasionally I get the itch to do some farming because I know it will be time to get my flying mount soon. That's all for now. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gaming Related High Blood Pressure

I got into a weird funk last night as 8:00 rolled around and my wife didn't have class. Was I glad she was home. Sure but I felt a little sadden by the fact I couldn't get any real WoW playing time in. I played in my main toon for a little bit to try and get a toon to lvl 70. You tend to need a littel sugar daddy for the low level toons to make life easier.

I have noticed that WoW takes a lot out of me. I spend quite a bit of time thinging about it from sun up to sun down. Everything from professions to classes. What to sell for gold. How to level faster? Do I have time for raids? If I wake up at 5:00am I will have a little time to get some mining in before everyone else logs on?

All of this drives me crazy. And I'm in love with it. If it wasn't for the firewall at work, I would probably be cruising the game sites right now reading a stategy guide to the next dungeon I plan to run.

How bad does this game affected your life?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Morpheus Hets an epic mount

It's been a long time coming but Morpheuz has finally gotten his epic mount. I am quite proud of the accomplishment since I originally saw no reason to spend 530g for the extra 40% speed. I must say I was wrong. In the 2 min it took me to ride to the portal in Darnassus, I was impressed. This was all due to a little farming for an enchant recipe that use to run for 150g. I quess I killed the market by selling it for as low as 80g. The true reason I bought it was only because it had to happen in order to get the training required to ride a flying mount which is level 225.

Otherwise, progress is good with one toon or another. This morning I did a little gringing in WPL on the undead in the graveyard. Morpheusalt (Shaman) is 50% into level 51. Could prob gring out the rest tomorrow morning.

My focus has been on Morpheuz lately as all the shiny gear is hurting my eyes and I must have it. So I will continue to play this toom when I have the most time. He sits at level 66 for now. I am trying for the one hand blue sword from the Mana Tomb. I lost need roll to a hunter. There has been 2 runs since and neither group was able to get back to this particular boss. Which I believe to be the second.

That's all for now. My wife really dictates how much I play. So I will have to come up with a strategy to allow me more extended times to play.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ding, 51!

Just dinged 51 with Morpheus alt will grinding slightly on the undead in the Eastern Plagueland. This progress is primarily due to a successful fun in the Sunken Temple. It took all of 3 hours to complete and I have to admit I was sweating the entire time.

The night started with me checking the AH to see if the 2 crusader enchants sold for Niobey. Turned out both sold for a starting bid of 95g each. This was cool as she now sits in IF with 358g in her bag. I think I will plan to do more farming for these since every possible person capable of doing it is in the Outlands. I logged out of Niobey after the good news.

I logged into Morpheuzalt and headed to the Eastern Plagueland to do a little grinding in hopes of getting to 51 as I sit at 5 3/4 of the way. I also signed up for the Sunken Temple. Shortly afterward, no more than 10 kills in, I get a tell for a group which need a healer. For me, I don't really understand this concept or thinking pattern. Even though I can heal, my best stuff is in my melee action with a little elemental for fast disposal of the threat. But I accepted. Good thing to because we had a level 66 night elf hunter in the group. Should be good stuff. Right?

The group was already inside and need to leave the instance in order to summon me. That took all of 20 min because Im assuming they had to fight there way out and a few deaths happen. The lvl 66 hunter was down to 2% but didnt die. Things are going fairly smooth as the hunter was basically running into the middle and taking aggro. I could wait until he was down to 80% before I even start a cast. He got there attention so much the mod hardly approached me. If so, I just threw out a totem to get there attention. We killed the six trolls with no problem.

One problem plaque use during the middle of the fight. After the trolls we're dead. We somehow decided we should jump off the ledge into the room full of elites and dragonkin. This was a stupid move and I felt the stupidity senses tingling before it started. But off we go, the lvl66 hunter jumps first. Cool, no one moved. Off the lvl51 Palli goes. The mob swarms end. I jump down to assist. We put forth a great effort but died. The hunter did a fiend death and avoided death. The remaining group consisted of another hunter who was level 47, and a lvl 52 warrior. For some odd reason, the warrior decides to leave. Moments later we found another warrior at lvl 52. This guy come to the instance with a huge 2 hander. Whats interesting to me from my tainted eyes is that once a warrior gets past SM, a shield is required. And from many of the instances Ive run, Sunder Armor is a fairy tale. In one run, this warrior informed me he didnt even train for this ability. Hah!!

To back up a little, the lvl 47 hunter is the cheerleader of the group. "Charge", "Let's go take down the boss", "Good job mean". The whole time this guy is fighting without a pet and dishing out damage with a skinning knife. I informed the group that this jerk is just standing around to receive a big "So!" from the lvl66. Realizing he is making life a lot easy, I stick my foot in my mouth and just shut it. I concluded they must have been related. We took out the two trolls bosses and downed the dragon.

That was a bit weird as a mob came from no where and took out everyone. Somehow the hunter got a good shot on the dragon and he went down. I die and the open to reencarnate appears. We were saved! The mob walks away. As soon as my arrow was over the button to reencarnate, the mob sprints back in. Close! They hang around a bit. We waited them out. I rezzed. We looted.

All in all, I complete a quest for a blue helm from a hinterland quest. No good drops though. I ended the night 3k from 61. We

Monday, April 2, 2007


I recently discovered an interesting World of Warcraft related blog that I came across basically due to the firewall my job has in place. I quickly developed and interest in creating a blog of my own basically as a good way to get out thought I have on the game. I won't profess to being a qritter and my southern upbringing may cause me to put things into text that I shouldn't but here goes.

About me. I picked up WoW in March 2006. Out of all the games, I have not played another games since. I currently reside on the Duskwood Server.

My current character's are:

Morpheuz - Level 65 Night Elf Warrior
Niobey - Level 41 Night Elf Priest
Morpheusalt - Level 50 Dranai Shaman
Saintnic - Level 12 Mage
Merovengian - Level 17 Rogue

I primary restrict my play to 2 character - Morpheus and Morpheusalt. I would like to get the shaman level up just in case my quild (Trinity) would like one for raiding. I remember the day a poison cleansing totem could have been used on the spider boss in ZG.

My warrior has kind of taken a leave of absense. I like the beauty of the outlands but hate the fact that somehow I feel less powerful and only able to take on 2 adds at the most but I believe this is due to my own playing style as a fury warrior. The second reason for not playing is due to the fact that I like blue items. I've been one of the lucky few to have some decent PUG groups. My frustration lies in the fact that a lot of people have given up on the new LFG interface and grouping has been few and far in between. I like the fact that I no longer have to stand in a capital city and spam the LFG channel. I cant remember if it was global or not. But I think the same concept is there. If you are casually looking for a group, make your instance selections and just wait for recruiting. But if everyone is looking to be picked no one will do the picking. I am having better success in finding groups for pre-60 related dungeons.

That's my 2 cents for now. I will attempt to get a PUG today for the Sunken Temple but will put about a half hour on the warrior. I really have to many irons in the fire at the moment.

Get one handed swords from the Mana Tombs for Morpheus
Use morpheuz to mine for thorium for Morpheuzalt for jewelcrafting

This past Friday, I farmed too Crusader formula and hoping the sell for 120g. Which is 30 below the going rate. Trying to get an epic land mount since I can't skip it for a flying one. Hope you like and I'm open to suggestion if you wish to talk on certain topic.